Privacy Policy for Salem 1692 Moderator Web App This app can be run in two modes, which this document will call 'standalone' and 'multi-telephone' mode. * What information is collected? In standalone mode, no data is collected or shared with third parties. In multi-telephone mode, per game the following data is sent to a (Google-hosted) Firebase Database: - The players' names, as entered in the app - Game state data, such as the players for which was voted - The date and time when the information was last updated - The language selected. This data is automatically removed when the multi-telephone mode is ended using the app button "Stop Hosting". If the app is closed forcibly, the data is not removed. * How is this information used? The players' names and game state data are strictly used for synchronizing the host- and guest-phones during the moderation of the game. The date and time of the last update is only used for deciding when game data may be removed from the database. Periodically, data that is not used in a running game any more is removed. The language is saved for analytical purposes.